The illumiNations movement started in the United States to make God’s Word accessible to all people by 2033. Asia has now received the baton.
illumiNations Asia was started to reach the remaining language groups in Asia who do not have the Bible. We believe God is calling Asian Christians to take ownership for this remaining task. God has blessed us richly so that these resources may be used for His kingdom agenda.
By 2033
Every tongue, tribe and nation
will have access to the Gospel
and its life-changing hope
All Access Goals
95% of the world’s population will have a full Bible
99.96% of the world will have at least a New Testament
100% of the world will have some portion of Scripture
The Alliance
A collective impact alliance of Bible translation partners and resource partners working together to eradicate Bible poverty in this generation.
American Bible Society
Deaf Bible Society
Lutheran Bible Translators
Pioneer Bible Translators
Seed Company
United Bible Societies
The Word
for the World
Wycliffe Bible Translators
A Word from Church leaders
Let's Translate the Bible to All Language
Singapore has been blessed with free and full access to the Bible in different languages.
Praise God for all who work to make the Bible available to people in their first language in all places.
Let’s pray that the riches of the Bible will be shared everywhere!
A Courageous Expression
illumiNations Asia is a courageous expression of God’s love to reach every language group in Asia with the translated Word. With the movement’s goal is to give 95% of Asia’s population a full Bible. 99.9% a New Testaments and 100% at least the Gospel in their heart language by 2033, the challenges that lie ahead are tremendous
As the global translation agencies unite together to fulfill God’s purpose in Asia, they will need our partnership and prayers. May the Lord bless this work and may every nation, tribe, people, and tongue in Asia be illuminated by His Word.
Now is the Time
illumiNations Asia was birthed by Asians to bring the Word of God to the millions who do not have Scripture in their language in Asia. Now is the time for us, Asians, to be a part of this Bible translation movement and give generously to see the Great Commission listed in this generation.
You and I are blessed with the Word of God. Can you imagine your life without the Bible? It is time to share this blessing with the millions of Asians who do not have a single verse of Scripture in a language they can understand.
A Movement of God
illumiNations Asia is a movement of God to unite the body of Christ, particularly those whose anointing and gifting are translating the Scriptures into languages that speak to the heart of the unreached nations. This move will accelerate the advance of the gospel everywhere as people see and hear the Word of God in a language they can clearly understand.
It has come and touched the Church of Asia and I am excited to welcome the work in the Philippines. I am anticipating the mighty flow of God’s blessings in the body of Christ and the Philippines.
Scriptures for All
illumiNations Asia was launched to harness the support of Asian Christians for the translation of Scriptures for the remaining language groups. It is, therefore, my honour and privilege to endorse illumiNations Asia and call upon all of you to support her with your prayers & finances.
As the Lord blesses illumiNations Asia, we look forwards to having, with your support, the Scriptures for all the people groups who do not have the Bible in Asia.
A Spirit-led Movement
illumiNations Asia is a Spirit-led movement that draws out the best of Christian unity and partnership. The coming together of Bible translation partners globally to speed up the task of bringing God’s Word to millions in their languages can now be realised within our generation. Asia is where these millions are. It is also where the resources are to complete this task.
I invite you to join in what is not only a noble task but an imperative if we are to see to the fulfilment of the Great Commission.
Give the Word
The Word of God is truth (John 17:7). However, there are still many languages in Asia which do not have the Word of God. They do not know the truth. The goal of illumiNations is for all languages to have at least a portion of Scripture by 2033.
I want to encourage you to be part of the illumiNations movement to give the Word of God to people groups in Asia who do not have the Bible in a language that speaks to their hearts. Give them the truth!
Let's Translate the Bible to All Language
Singapore has been blessed with free and full access to the Bible in different languages.
Praise God for all who work to make the Bible available to people in their first language in all places.
Let’s pray that the riches of the Bible will be shared everywhere!
A Courageous Expression
illumiNations Asia is a courageous expression of God’s love to reach every language group in Asia with the translated Word. With the movement’s goal is to give 95% of Asia’s population a full Bible. 99.9% a New Testaments and 100% at least the Gospel in their heart language by 2033, the challenges that lie ahead are tremendous
As the global translation agencies unite together to fulfill God’s purpose in Asia, they will need our partnership and prayers. May the Lord bless this work and may every nation, tribe, people, and tongue in Asia be illuminated by His Word.
We invite you to bravely and joyfully accept God's invitation to join our unified community of givers to eradicate Bible poverty for good.
Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.Psalm 119:105